In the Chettinad region of Tamil Nadu, a traditional sweet dish called kummayam is made during the month of Aadi. This dish resembles halwa and is made by roasting urad dal, moong dal, and raw rice. To add sweetness, jaggery or palm jaggery is used, and it is typically flavoured with ghee.
In the Tamil solar calendar, Aadi is the fifth month, which holds immense significance in Tamil culture. This is because it marks the onset of the monsoon season and the annual freshes of the rivers. The 18th day of the month is celebrated as the Aadi festival, a time to honour the importance of water, the source of all life.
During the month of Aadi, people make kummayam for various reasons:
- It’s a way to celebrate the abundance of the monsoon season.
- Kummayam is known to have health benefits, especially for women. The ingredients used in kummayam are said to strengthen the bones and uterus and are also a good source of protein and iron.
- Kummayam is a traditional sweet often served during special occasions like weddings and festivals.
Here are some additional facts about kummayam:
- The name kummayam comes from the Tamil word “Kumm,” which means “to grind.”
- Kummayam is traditionally made in a clay pot over a wood fire.
- The texture of kummayam should be smooth and soft and have a slight chewiness.
- Kummayam can be stored in an airtight container for up to one week.
If you are looking for a delicious and nutritious sweet, I encourage you to try kummayam. It is a traditional Chettinad dish that is sure to please your tastebuds. Now let us see how to prepare this recipe.
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- 1/4 cup Urad Dal/Uluttam Paruppu
- 1 tbsp Raw Rice/Pacharisi
- 1 tbsp Moong dal/Paasi paruppu
- 1/4 cup Jaggery/Vellam
- 2 tbsp Ghee
- Dry roast whole urad dal, moong dal, and rice separately until it turns aromatic and golden brown. Place it on a plate and let it cool completely.
- Transfer the dals and rice to a blender or food processor and grind into a fine powder. Sieve the powder to remove any large pieces.
- In a small saucepan, heat the jaggery and 3/4 cup of water over medium heat. (Water ratio is 1:3). Stir until the jaggery melts and the mixture comes to a boil. Remove from the heat and let cool slightly.
- Heat a tbsp of the ghee in a large skillet or wok over medium heat. Add the kummayam powder and cook, stirring constantly, for about 5 minutes, or until fragrant.
- Add the jaggery mixture and cook, stirring constantly, until the kummayam thickens, about 10 minutes more.
- Finally add the remaining tbsp of ghee and stir for another minute. Remove from the heat and let cool completely. Kummayam is ready.
- Use good quality whole urad dal, moong dal, and rice.
- Dry roast whole urad dal, moong dal, and rice separately until it turns aromatic and golden brown.
- Use either jaggery or palm jaggery.
- You can enjoy this nutritious treat, either warm or cold.
Delicious and healthy Aadi Kummayam is ready to serve God as Prashad.
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